Like this little situation.
Reef did all this just to get to the “sword” at the end of the rainbow.
Double Surprise?
Mayer's reaction.
This breakfast disaster was a surprise.
Double Surprise?
The dogs cleaning it up.
Mayer surprised me by trying to fix the sprinklers.
Double Surprise?
The dogs running through the house, soaking wet, sliding all over the living room floor (I didn't even have time to get a photo of this one).
Once again, Mayer (he's just at that age) surprised me with a little art work. On my DESK. WITH PERMAMENT MARKER!
I have a dear friend whom I’ve never met. In fact, she was dead before I was even born. If I think about this fact for too long, I want to cry. I find myself thinking of her everyday. I call on her words when I need inspiration. I believe there is life after death. I want to have a nice long talk with her by the sea someday.
In one word I can describe Rachel Carson:
She cared for the world before the words “environmental issues” were ever spoken. A visionary? She saw herself as a writer first, than a scientist. I see her as my hero.
Rachel Carson was born in 1907 and died in 1964. In her short life she wrote several pieces of literature. My world changed in 1996 when I read a book called The Edge of the Sea. Writing so passionate and poetic; it felt like reading scripture.
If I dared to introduce my own writing genre I would call her writings: nature romance. Her words take me dancing in the forest on a bed of damp ferns. I’ve heard we may forget facts, but we don’t forget feelings. When I’m out in nature, I feel Rachel Carson’s words speaking to me through my feelings.
Think of the most wonderful attributes about a child you love.
Rachel displayed those very attributes throughout her adult life. She loved being outside. She carried buckets and pails with dirty worn-out shovels. She got on her hands and knees to look under rocks. She drew pictures of the birds and un-hatched eggs in their nests. Crabs were always fascinating, as were starfish, sea urchins, snails and other creatures that were always changing. Water was something to be touched, not just looked at. It didn’t matter if it was cold, she wanted to be exploring outside. One particular outing, she was gazing at a tide pool of little creatures. After several hours, her knees buckled. The cold water left her legs numb. A friend lifted Rachel’s petite frame and carried her back to shore, but like a child, she couldn’t wait to get back into the water.
In honor of Rachel, I named my little son Reef Carson.
He already loves the sea.
And creatures of the sea.
Here are ten things I’ve learned from Rachel Carson:
Thank you, Rachel, for all you’ve taught me and my children.
The last few months, Santa’s been collecting toys and goodies at thrift stores and yard sales.
Here’s what our Christmas looked like.
This little vintage Sesame Street Playhouse came with all the original pieces. I remember playing with this when I was little. It has a trapdoor, slide and merry-g0-round. Santa paid $5.00 at a garage sale.
Santa thought these wooden block construction trucks would be great. Santa found these at Mesa Thrift for $4.95.
And a large wooded choo choo train. Oh Reef, what fun we'll have with this. $9.95 is a great price for this catalog treasures.
Garage sale - $3.00. It even has working batteries. I couldn't buy the batteries for that cheap.
Mr. Bear Bear weighs about 40 pounds. Santa found him at Mesa Thrift wearing a Schnapps vodka vest. Santa paid $4.95 for him and threw the Schnapps vest in the trash.
The choo choo is a hit.
As is the Curious George hammer and nail set.
Chandler and Payson at first site. Santa did get them scooters. It's hard to find these used, but buying them on black Friday isn't too bad either.
Look at the love in Payson's eyes. He's a great big brother to Reef.
Payson got this silly plate full of nails. He can press his face into it and it leaves his image behind.
More goodies from yard sales.
Reef loves his ambulance that Santa got at Goodwill. It works great and once again, already with batteries.
Chandler didn't ask for a new chair for his desk, but he's still glad Santa left him one.
I just have to share my Christmas cards. I found two packs of these holiday cards this summer at a garage sale for $1.00 each. They were in their original packaging and the price tag read $21.50. I loved how they turned out.
My favorite part of Christmas - seeing my sweet boys faces.
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