So, what did I do with the $5.00 (after Reef colored on it with green marker)?
I wanted to do something creative, something resourceful, and something to blog about.
Here’s what I did.
I went to $1.00 day last week at Goodwill and purchased these 5 items. Here's what they sold for.
This Motherhood Size 1X XL Long Denim Jean Straight Skirt sold for $8.99.
These Women's Union Bay Large Denim Jean Overalls sold for $7.99.
This Eddie Bauer Size 18 Black Long Straight Tank Dress sold for $8.99.
These Women's Coldwater Creek Large Linen Drawstring Pants sold for $7.99.
My profit? $44.97.
Keep in mind I paid with these items with my awarded gift card, in other words, these items were free.
This really excites me. I want to make a trail of trash and follow it for the next year.
Here’s what I’m going to do.
Out of my profit for the week, I’m going to give myself back the original $5.00.
Next week I’ll use it to buy 5 more items at Goodwill again.
I’m curious to see what I can make in a year if I keep crediting myself back the $5.00 and use it again for future $1.00 day purchases.
I want to do something special with the profit; something special for the kids. I wonder what they'll come up with.
I’m trying to think of a catchy title for this idea.
Any suggestions?
Not only did I keep more in my home then I needed, but I gave too much stuff away. For example, I’d see something great at a garage sale. I didn’t need it, but I knew someone who did.
A new neighbor in need of furniture and I’d find a kitchen table for a great deal at a yard sale, a pregnant friend and I’d hit a sale where a couple was cleaning out all their baby stuff or how about my sister in love with Nelly Furtado and I found a pair of Apple Bottom jeans at Goodwill.
I had to buy it all!
In theory this is really sweet, but week after week it added up. I was spending too much time shopping and giving things away like there was a birthday party around every corner.
I had to face the truth.
I love to shop.
I love to give things away.
If I saw a professional, I’d probably be diagnosed with shop-a-holic/give-away disorder.
Thankfully for me, I found the answer.
I get to shop all I want as long as I sell it on Craig’s list or EBay.
This works great for my somewhat strange and misunderstood personal illness.
What’s fun is I get to experiment with some of my purchases before selling them.
This $5.00 purchase from Salvation Army was used for a short time in the boy's room before I sold it for $45.00.
I just found this buffet table for $40.00 at an estate sale (this is a picture I took at the sale before I purchased it). It's still sitting in my garage, but I think I'll use it in my kitchen for a while. If I don't like it, you know what I'll do with it.
These chairs – all trash and all used in my home for a short time before selling them for a profit.
My kids loved this chair.
I really liked this vintage chair. I paid $20.00 for it at Goodwill. I went back and forth between wanting to keep and wanting to know how much I could get for it.
After several months of having it in my living room, I decided to sell it along with this $7.00 retro end table. They sold as a set for $95.00.
A few weeks ago, I found this chair and ottoman at Goodwill on half-off day for $15.00.
I brought the set home and my fingers started itching. I paced up and down the hallway. The chair was like money burning a whole in my pocket.
I had to know what I could get for it on Craig’s list, but my kids were already begging.
“Please Mom. We love this chair. Can we keep it?”
My children will probably have attachment issues because of my inability to hold onto a piece of beautiful furniture.
Several weeks later, the chair is still here. I think I’ll keep it for a while. It looks great in my living room, especially with the rug I'm desperate to give away.
I still give plenty of things away. Last week I went school shopping on Goodwill’s $1.00 day for a darling friend of our family. Here she is with Eden in one of her new outfits.
The store is full of excited shoppers like me, pushing through garbage hoping to find the good stuff.
Thrift store culture is an interesting group of people, many unforgettable characters who as a whole make an unbelievable shopping experience. Today its 110 degrees and I’m in a store with questionable air-conditioning. On the overhead radio a catchy 1980's tune called 867-5309 is playing.
Great, I’ll be singing this song all day.
Next to me, a middle-aged woman shops in her swimsuit. In her defense, I must say it is the type of swimsuit that has the little skirt around the midriff so it works in a cheerleader skirt sort-of-way, but still we are no wear close to a beach and she is no where close to looking like a cheerleader.
The next isle over a mother hushes her crying baby by singing him a Spanish lullaby. In the meantime, her other young children hide in the clothing rack with the full-length prom dresses. Peach and teal green taffeta is flying off the racks and being used as the perfect hiding place. The children bury their faces into the sheer fabric, then giggle and run down the aisle. It only takes a minute before I hear the politically correct PSA announcement read off by the cashier
“For the safety our customers, please keep your children with you at all times while in the store at all times.”
I don’t know about you, but I just don’t buy this. I think what the cashier really wants to say is:
“For the millionth time, will you get your wild kids and tie them to your shopping cart. If you don’t do this now, I’m going to scream! They take all the toys off the racks, ride the bikes with flat tires down the aisles and try on women’s shoes. I don’t want to clean up after them, and by the way, they might crash into a customer while on that bike.”
In the back of the store are the traditional bookies, many of which are wearing reading glasses perched on the tip of their noses (reading glasses most likely purchased at this very thrift store), reading a back jacket of a New York Times best seller. These are the people who come in day after day and buy book after book. In the mean time, their carts fill with random items like old record albums, a toilet sit lid and a worn-out welcome mat.
A few aisles over is a grandma in a florescent pink shirt and a wide brim straw hat. I think she thinks I’m a threat. By the way she looks at me I can tell I’m on her turf. Her cart is full of several items I’ve passed on: a pair of high-waist Wrangler jeans, a two-piece brown wool skirt/vest outfit and a windbreaker jacket that has the logo “Super 8 Hotel” stitched into the upper breast pocket. I get the impression she buys all these clothes for herself, not to sell on EBay. I don’t want to step on her toes so I walk over to the children’s section.
So what about me? I myself might stand out to these other shoppers; the woman with unkept hair rushing through the aisles, examining each piece of clothing like I’m some sort of inspector.
By the time I get to check out, I know I stand out too. I’ve got 50 things to purchase, 50 empty hangers and I’m looking for a place to hang them all.
I walk out the door and there’s a man sitting on the hot cement ground surrounded with palm tree prongs. His fingers work fast as he weaves the leaves together, in and out. Next to him are several palm tree leaves formed into Christian crosses. One or all are available for purchase, if I so desire.
Oh, beloved thrift store, you are my home away from home. Thank you for gracing me with your influence. You know I’ll be back next week.
To read Thrift Store Culture Part I, click here.
I featured Amberlee in January on My Dear Trash when she came to my home with a bundle of potted-flowers.
She pulled weeds and pine needles out of my front-yard flower beds and planted a Garden of Eden.
She did this as a gift for my baby Eden, who at the time was a few months away from being born. The flowers have been a symbol of her love for me and my daughter.
Amberlee is a happy girl who celebrates life through all sorts of outlets: cooking, sewing, sharing, and loving, but something that sets her apart is she’s an apron-wearing momma.
I know aprons might be a thing of the past, but her apron is not what you expect. Her apron has style, flair and presence. It’s downright gorgeous. I’ve seen her wear it over blue jeans and a t-shirt; I’ve seen her wear it over an elegant Sunday dress. When she has her apron on it’s because she’s working, serving and loving.
Last year Amberlee brought me a home-made gift. It was an apron; my very own apron.
My apron has followed many paths; working in the yard, cooking in the kitchen and taking care of children, but I’m not the only one who wears it. This apron has become a symbol of service and good luck at a variety of My Dear Trash benefit garage sales.
Just ask the lucky one’s who have been graced with its fancy fabric and sequins.
Linda Call Benefit Yard Sale
We raised 2,000.00 to help pay for Linda's funeral expenses.
The apron has a large pocket in front, perfect for holding all the $1.00 bills I collected.
Garrett Tanner Benefit Yard Sale
We raised $500.00 to help pay for Garrett's physical therapy.
My sister Becky and our friend Ashley rocked the apron look.
The below poem was sent to me by my own apron-wearing momma. Isn’t my mom beautiful! Here she is directing our annual Easter egg hunt.
The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few. It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for moving hot pans from the oven.
It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.
And when the weather was cold grandma wrapped it around her arms.
Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow,
bent over the hot wood stove.
Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables.
After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.
In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folks knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.
It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes.
Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill
to thaw.
They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron.
I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron - but love...
The end
Thanks for the apron, Amberlee. I had no idea it could mean so much.
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