Thursday, November 29, 2012
Rustic Hutch Vintage Show
The season for shows will be winding down here in a few weeks- but I wanted to invite all of you to come out to Rustic Hutch this Saturday. It's located at 1902 E. Baseline Mesa, AZ (N. W. Corner of Baseline & Gilbert Rd.) There will be over 36 vendors, food and some amazing home decor. The event starts at 9am- come early for the best selection. There will also be a Chalk paint specialist, CeCe Caldwell, as well as a gold show (bring your gold and trade for cash) Hope to see you all out there! Love, Kelly
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Living with Injury is easier with peach crisp
Recovering from an ax-in-the-foot injury hasn’t been easy
for the counselor, or for those of us who love him, but he’s fairing well. The doctors are worried about infections like
staff, so please keep him and his precious foot in your prayers.
Interesting, how the counselor put an ax in his foot and
now, almost everyone who has heard about his injury share’s their own ax
story with us. He's like the ax-tell-all counselor! We’ve heard about the ax in the
knee cap, the ax in the shin, the ax hitting a chain-link fence only to jump up to hit them in the head and the climbing up to get an ax out of a falling
tree. To all those out there thinking of
chopping wood or simply holding an ax, please be careful!
Food always makes me feel better, so this morning before the counselor hobbled off to work I made him a peach
crisp. These frozen organic
peaches from Costco make it so easy.
washed, peeled and already sliced. I pour
a bunch of peaches into a cake pan, sprinkle with a little lemon juice and
then add the crisp topping:
½ cup butter
½ cup flour
2 cups oats
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon.
Mix ingredients and
crumple on top of peaches.
Bake at 350 for 30
minutes and serve on a cute vintage plate to someone you love.
There's been little time for painting, but I was also able to finish this fun little mid-century piece.
Now, without my man to help me load, let’s see how I get it
down to the shop!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Book Trailer for The Memory Catcher
There are many things in life a girl wants, but thinks she’ll
never get.
Like a diamond ring and then one day, it is granted to her
by a man she loves with all her heart and life is never the same.
We all dream, we all hope and we all pray.
We work hard, sleep little and push ourselves farther then
we thought possible.
And then one day, the dream to publish a book comes true and
it is glorious in every way.
I dreamt of one day publishing a book.
I dreamt of the day I would have a beautiful book trailer.
And today is that day.
Please let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy it and thank you to the beautiful
Mary Cox for being so computer savvy and sharing her god-given talents and to my
brother Matthew Hinze for his gorgeous song writing and music composition.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A Milestone
When I first started re-doing furniture, I was overwhelmed by it all. The only tools the counselor and I owned were a screwdriver and a hammer. Still, I wanted to learn how to do it so bad and wasn't going to give up easily.
My first attempt to paint a dresser was with a brush and a can of paint.
Last week, a friend asked if I would help her paint this china hutch. When I first started, I would have never attempted such a thing. Back then, I would've never dreamed I could paint something like this.
My first attempt to paint a dresser was with a brush and a can of paint.
My boys stood around while I slowly took off the fixtures.
Stroke by stroke, I painted that piece of furniture, giving them each a chance to help.
I was amazed at what a little paint could do.
I wasn't long before,I started taking more chances; which only produced a new wave of questions.
Which grade of sandpaper should I use for striping?
What shade of stain for antiquing?
What is the difference between flat, semi-gloss and gloss paint?
Little by little, error by error and miracle by miracle, I started learning tricks of the trade.Last week, a friend asked if I would help her paint this china hutch. When I first started, I would have never attempted such a thing. Back then, I would've never dreamed I could paint something like this.
Didn't it turn out gorgeous!
I'm so glad I tried that first time. Now, I actually own a power sander and power drill too!
Monday, November 19, 2012
An Ax and a Foot
It started out as a typical day. The counselor and I, along with our kids, headed out mid-morning to
attend the baptism for our niece. Afterwards,
we had lunch and spent the day hanging out at my sister’s house.
The kids rode every mechanical device
possible and had hours of fun
while the counselor and I caught up with family
and enjoyed the rural setting of my sister’s barnyard home.
At sunset we drove home, the counselor and I excited about
our evening where we would leave the kids with a sitter and go on a date. I wanted to see the new Twilight movie because I am a nerd.
The counselor agreed to see it with me because he’s in love with a
nerd. I was getting dinner started for
the kids when Chandler
ran inside.
“Dad just cut his foot with an ax!”
Wait, WHAT! Did we even own an ax? Where did
ax and foot and cut fit into our perfect day, let alone with a date and dinner
and a movie?
I ran outside and limping toward me was the counselor,
hobbling with a very bloody foot.
“What happened?” I asked, shocked as I examined the mangled
And the story from the counselor’s lips was just as I heard
earlier from Chandler . No better explanation, no easier ending and no
compromise. An ax and a foot don’t go
well together. The idea to chop some
wood for an evening fire had backfired into an ax in his foot.
A quick trip to Urgent Care and the expression on the
doctor’s face said it all. “You need to
get to a hospital with a trauma unit immediately.”
On the drive over, the counselor discussed every worse-case
scenario. All the what-ifs. “What if I
have to have surgery? What if I broke
something? What if I have to go under?”
I’m not sure if it’s my usual positive outlook or wishful
thinking, but everything he suggested this injury might be, I dismissed;
insisting once we got there the doctor’s would just stitch him up and we’d be
How wrong was I!
Sometimes things just work out, sometimes they say “You were
lucky,” or you slide under the radar without a scratch; well, not this time.
It was everything we hoped it wouldn’t be. It was cut nerves, a broken bone, loss of
blood, possible bone infection and a three-day hospital stay. It was surgery with anesthesia, a bone plate
and two screws. It was mushy hospital meals
and I.V drips and constant monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate. It’s six to eight weeks in a cast, physical
therapy and many more doctor’s visits to come.
But, you know what?
With all that, we experienced many miracles. The doctor’s were A+. It was just over an hour from the time we
arrived to the Emergency room to the time they wheeled him off for
surgery. And even though there was no
dinner (alright, we did share a protein bar) or Twilight movie (we had our own
blood and action, but no vampires), there was still him and I, hand in hand and
we shared many tender moments.
He comes home today.
Life will be different for a while, but it will be good to have him home. We all missed him so much!
Through all this, the doctor’s and nurses sure found plenty
of humor in an ax/foot story. The
counselor was half humiliated/half in pain and such a good sport; making jokes
about his lack of coordination too. When
his sister arrived, she suggested he start wearing a lumberjack shirt! I told
her next time I’m at Goodwill, I’ll be on a lookout for one. I guess when there's laughter before he's even discharged, it's going to work out.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A morning walk with my son.
The morning
routine around here is a bit hectic, but around 8:25, my son Chandler waits for me by the front door while
I put my shoes on. There are many other things I might be doing that seem more important, but it is at this time I walk with him to the
bus stop.
Now, the bus
stop is less then a 5 minute walk. We
live in a safe neighborhood with beautiful walking weather, but this small
journey from one street to the next is our time to share together.
Where does the
time go, It seem like just the other day, Your eyes were barely open, And I had
no words to say.
You would lay there in my arms, As you looked up at me, That's when I knew what love was, As I looked back down at thee.
You would lay there in my arms, As you looked up at me, That's when I knew what love was, As I looked back down at thee.
Richard Goolsby
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
It’s so easy to smile when this is my scenery.
Twirl, twirl, twirl.
I found Eden ’s
Cinderella dress at Salvation Army for $2.50.
Every day, she puts on her dress, I turn up the music and
she twirls.
As a little girl, I loved to dance.
I loved to play dress up too.
My nieces; lighting up my world with their love.
Finding joy in baby's first steps.
At Goodwill, I foundEden and
her cousin Shelby
matching dresses and then they danced too.
At Goodwill, I found
Children are a gift.
They remind us to enjoy the simple things and to twirl instead of worry, to dress up instead of put ourselves down and to smile instead of frown.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Does Anyone Remember The Barn Boutique In Gilbert?

It was a sad day when the barn was sold and the boutiques ended. September 11th had a hand in these decisions, I'm sure. With my recent participation in these vintage markets, I have been reminiscing about the good ole days at the "The Barn" Two weeks ago I was working on some projects for my daughter's teacher when my phone rang- "This is Carolyn Reidlinger, I got your name and number from a recent show you did in Queen Creek. We're starting "The Barn" boutique again and wondered if you'd like to be a vendor?" It may seem silly, but you would have thought I was being called by a magazine for my home to be photographed (a little dream I have) I couldn't believe it! Of course I would be a vendor! And so, I'm over the top excited to tell you that the Barn- Now called The Barn @ 3080 (because of it's new address) is this weekend!

Please join me in welcoming back Carolyn by attending the barn Friday or Saturday between 9-5. This is the first one, so we need to get the word out. Feel free to borrow any of the pictures on this post- blog, tweet, facebook and let everyone who loves shopping know- THE BARN IS BACK! If you've ever attended one of the past barn boutiques, please leave me a comment letting me know- so I don't feel like the only one who's obsessing here. If you can make it, stop by my tent and say hello. Hope to see you there. Love, Kelly.
Friday, November 9, 2012
It's Show Time!
We're packing up to go to Junk In The Trunk! Here's a sneek peak at some of the items we'll have for sale...
I love this french dresser in pink
Don't be too impressed with the lettering on the chalkboard- I used an overhead projector and traced it!
Junk In The Trunk will be INDOORS! (The skies have been threatening rain and it's been super windy today) There will be 70 vendors all selling vintage and handmade items. Come join us Saturday at WestWorld in Scottsdale, AZ from 7am-3pm. For more information visit Junk In The Trunk. I'll be in space #46 so stop by and say hello. Love, Kelly
What it that color?
Last weekend, the counselor scoured craigslist and found
this dresser for sale.
For $50, he brought home the credenza with two matching
night stands. It didn’t take long for it
to go from questionable to gorgeous.
What color did I use?
I have no idea because this is opps! paint. I have been on the lookout for
a great greenish blue semi-gloss. I think I found
just what I was looking for; a gallon for $7.00.
This dresser is headed down to Qcumberz.
I’d love for you to friend me on facebook and My Dear Trash
has a facebook page too.
My book The Memory Catcher is getting great reviews.
Over the past three decades, Sarah Hinze’s
groundbreaking research on “prebirth experiences” has provided solid evidence
that unborn children can warn, protect and enlighten us from another plane of
initial quest was to understand what happened to her own miscarried child. The answer she received eventually opened a
world-wide discussion on where our children come from before they are born.
She has compiled hundreds of accounts that
tell of heavenly encounters between parents and their soon-to-be-born children.
Now for the first time, Sarah shares the key
experiences that shaped her life and set her on course to become The Memory
Catcher—one of the world’s greatest advocates of the unborn.
Click here to order your copy.
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