This Ann Taylor Ruffle Corduroy skirt is adorable, but in a size 2 I wasn't sure it would do well. It sold for 17.50!These Ambercrombie and Fitch size 4 white capris generated a ton of questions when listed at $5.50- but never received a bid. When relisted for $2.99 they sold for $8.05! This brought this weeks ebay total to $184.76. Craigslist was still a little slow this week, but here's what sold.
This nightstand, that we no longer needed, took 4 weeks to sell, but it finally added $40 to the Florida fund.
Here's the Ariels magic talking kitchen I picked up last weekend for $15. This sold for a little girls birthday for $40. I have 12 items currently listed with craigslist, so I'm hoping to really boost my Florida total. The key I've learned is consistency. Some weeks I really just want to give up, dip into the saving account and pay for the trip- But then I add up my totals and realize slowly but surely we're getting there. Love, Kelly
Ebay Profits: This week: 184.56 Challenge Total: 1013.92
Craigslist Profits: This week $85.00 Challenge Total: 935.00
This weeks Costs: -25.00 (clothes) -30.00 (ebay fees) -18.57(paypal fees) -15.00 (Cost to buy craigslist items)
Total Challenge Costs: 571.31
Total Profit: 1377.61
I would have bought that Ann Taylor skirt.