I stole the toys from my son's happy meal.
Technically, it wasn't a happy meal because at Burger King, I think they call their kid's meal something really clever like
Kid's Meal.
Anyway, they were giving away
Twilight toys in the kid's meal.

An Edward Cullin hacky-sack ball, a snazzy wallet, cuff's, oh my Bella's diary (it gives me chills just thinking about how much I want that).
Payson and Chandler order their cheese burgers and I say to them, somewhat in a whisper because I don't want anyone to hear me, "
Will you get me the bracelet and tote bag."

Understand, this is not a shining moment for me. I knew what I was doing. I was putting my own needs above my children's, but to think I could be sporting around a Twilight bracelet and tote bag had my priorities all out of whack.
The fries took forever to cook up, but finally they placed the Kid's Meal on the counter. I couldn't wait to see my prizes.
My Twilight goodies are the perfect example of what is wrong with our society.
Notice I didn't use the word trash. I love the word trash and use it for my amazing finds, trash has value; trash makes a difference in my life.
But this?
Let me tell you.
I found the perfect quote. Believe it or not, someone else wrote about the same thing on a blog called
"I loathe the addition of a small piece of worthless, untreasured plastic to our world, and I loathe it even more when what the kid at the register will pop into the bag with the nuggets and fries is something my kids would never have wanted in the first place."
You know they didn't make the bracelet for Twi-mom's. I can barely get it to fit around my wrist. This isn't like trying on a pair of tight jeans, I can't suck in my wrist.

Seriously, this thing is so clunky, I'll trip if I wear it, that is if it doesn't cut off my circulation first.

I wish Burger King would have hired me to make their Twilight toys. There was a way to make this bracelet cool. These toys are a good idea gone bad. My bracelet and tote don't have the effect I thought they would. I don't really feel cool anymore. I thought maybe they would be so ridiculous that they would be cool, but they didn't swing that far.

As far as my kid's wanting them, yeah, I don't think so.
So why do they put Twilight toys in a Kid's Meal?
Hey, it motivated me to have lunch at Burger King with my kid's and as advertising companies know, if you can reach the mom then you've pretty much made a sale.
By the way, does anyone want a
Twilight bracelet and tote? I have one to give-away.