Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pretty please, can I get a free étagère?

Kelly’s reaction to this piece of trash sitting in my garage was priceless. 
It was like we’d run into a celebrity.
The jumping, the screaming, the “Oh my gosh!”
I found this étagère while out thrifting and snatched it up.
It’s old; shabby chic multiplied by 10.
It weighs about 50 pounds. 
The wood was chipping on the pop-out shelves, leaving slivers in my fingers if I wasn’t careful.
Kelly and I found it delightfully full of potential.  She re-did this piece in lightening speed, finishing it in one evening. 
Here it sits in our booth at QcumbersZ.  We are keeping it as a display piece and not selling it.  Somethings are worth holding onto too.
It’s wonderful having a friend who makes everything shine, who makes everything beautiful, and I’m not just talking the étagère.
A friend who sees potential in life and opportunities in ways others do not
That’s how Kelly is.
I’ve heard that your are most successful when doing what you love.  I believe that's true.
It took me about a week to find something I've been looking for, something I didn’t want to pay full price for.
The counselor needed a dollhouse to keep at his office for play therapy.
I found this doll house for $2.99.  I love that he came to me and said "You need to take a picture of me before I go to work holding the doll house for your blog."  Talk about supportive!  Off he goes to work.
Selling trash has taught me a very valuable lesson.
It’s taught me the value of a $1.00.
I’ve been privileged to be a stay-at-home mom for 11 years.

Although I’ve dabbled in a few business endeavors, my husband has been the main provider our entire marriage.
Trying to grow my business has taught me just how much work it is to make a living.  It isn’t easy and it’s tough out there.  I try to stretch my budget and have always realized I could never do this without my husband.  I appreciate him so much.  Horray for dedicated husbands and dads.  My man makes it possible for me to be here, taking care of my kids and pursuing my dreams everyday.   
Selling trash can literally start with $1.00 investment.  Kelly has taught me to set a weekly goal of what I want to earn.  In addition, to make a list of the things I’m hoping to find.  I’ve watched it work for her.  She needed doors for our booth at QcumberZ, and found them out at a garage sale the week before. 
I read to my 5-year old Mayer every night before bed.  He's loves Curious George.  I found this book for him while out thrifting.  New, it sells for $26.00.  I found it for $3.00.  
We are on page 105 out of 400 pages.  I like to reward my kids when they finish a series of books.  Chandler just finished the entire Series of Unfortunate Events and wanted me to take him to Subway.  So, I asked Mayer if he wanted to do something special with me when we finish reading The Complete Adventures of Curious George.  He said "I want to read it with you all over again."  
I love shopping trash because lots of little blessings pop up along the way too.
So, would you believe I found another étagère?  With mirrors, glass shelves and a light. Fancy!
This one's as-is, no work required and going on Craig's list.  I'm hoping the sell of this étagère will pay for the étagère we're keeping at our booth.  It would be like getting a free étagère.



Jenny Matlock


  1. I don't even know how to pronounce it... but i loved it ebfore and after Kelly renewed it. I am always short fo adjectives on MDT!! :) and dollhouse for a doll!! Sweeet!!

  2. I like the smiling picture of your Husband with the dollhouse,
    It is great he is so supportive.
    Most of all I LOVE this blog! It is so inspirational.

  3. This is a great post. How awesome are your boys, young and old.

    And I hope YOU know how blessed your famiy is to have YOU. That is very clear to us blog readers!

    Even when they are too little to tell you....

    PS: My 22 month old really loves Curious George, especially Curious George and His Bike.

  4. I loved reading this post. I love the étagère redesign. I love it!

  5. hopping over from ishouldbefoldinglaundry

  6. Keeping doing what you're doing and having fun!!

  7. Great post Kelly! Fun reading about the treasures you've discovered on your thrifting adventures. The makeover of the etagere turned out beautifully - really like the text on the shelves now...must try that one!

  8. Nice post. I love to see the transformations you have done on the trash you find. It inspires me to find value in discarded and unloved items. Keep it up!

  9. I also like to see the transformations! Good post!

  10. you sure find some amazing deals ... loved the transformation ... great post!

  11. Amazing and you are so right. Hooray! for our supportive husbands!

  12. What a blessing to be able to be a stay at home mom! I am, and have been for nearly 7 years now, and my husband and I LOVE it! We homeschooled for the first four years, and then we adopted (adopted ou 4 year old two years ago, and are adopting our 1 year old on Feb. 14). So, I'm thrilled to be able to stay at home. I have my Etsy businesses that help supplement our income, we have no outstanding debts, and we are happy! God has really blessed our family.

  13. Isn't it wonderful what might happen with that word please! Great post.

  14. I would have squealed if I saw that etagere as well. Great find and great redo.

  15. The étagère turned out wonderfully! You've discovered many treasures (including husbands and children) along the way.

  16. You are sooo cool. I love what you do! You should start a TV show..."What happens after the Pickers find the stuff". OK, the name needs a little work - ha!

    Thanks for a particularly fun stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursdays letter P.

    It was really fun here this week.

