Friday, April 26, 2019

My 100 Daughters of India - Intermittent Fasting and Prayer Day 2

To help the girls of India has been a goal of mine for years. 
In fall 2017, our family spent October break in Telluride. 

The beauty of this place is amazing and inspires us in so many ways. 

We usually visit Telluride in October, after the long hot summer months of Arizona

By a warm fire, we catch up on much needed rest and snuggles.

My sister Becky and her family came to spend time with us.

She's the best!

Mesa is hot, brown and dry while Telluride is cool, lush and green. We literally bask in its beauty.

I was intensely working on additional artwork for the My 100 Daughters of India coloring book and would draw for hours at a time. 

On our daily walk to the library.

The library in Telluride is amazing, with tons of activities.

While my kids played, I looked at children’s book illustrations for inspiration, scrolled through the many photos Rising Star Outreach provided me and illustrated at a little table next to the kid’s section. 

Children are curious and many of them would stop to ask what I was working on. The librarian printed of my artwork and gave copies to those who wanted to color.

This little girl became fascinated with what I was working on, asked lots of questions and drew her own sister of India.  I've noticed when kids learn about these girls, they're instantly drawn to them, want to learn more and help in anyway possible.

At the Telluride library, you can rent almost anything – karaoke machines, strollers, back packs, go-pros, even bicycles. 
One day, Derek and I (without any kids!!) were able to take a bike ride on a dirt trail through mountains. The air was crisp, there were pockets of freshly-fallen snow under the trees and I was so in LOVE with Derek I felt like I was flying. 

It was like the world was mine. My blessings were incredible.
What more could I ever want? I knew! My heart was full and I was completely lost in thought – could Eden and I really sponsor 100 girls? My 100 daughters are always in my mind and heart. Derek and I had a long talk about my goals and on the ride back, at the very end of the trail, there on the ground right as I got of my bike was this sign – INDIA

I started laughing and crying at the same time.
I knew exactly what it meant. Yes, the universe was telling me my path would lead to India. I was on the right trail, just keep going and eventually you’ll get there.
To order my coloring book My 100 Daughters of India on Amazon, click here.

Intermittent Fasting fact: The energy it takes to digest food can be a very demanding process on your body.  When you fast, the energy usually used to digest food can be utilized to do other things in your body like increase blood flow, reduce inflammation and fight illness. When you’re sick, your body needs extra energy to heal. Have you ever noticed when you’re sick you lose your appetite? This is you bodies natural way of stopping food consumption so it can focus on improving your health.

Read the full article here.

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