Friday, October 28, 2016

Can I Speak Kind to my Husband for 30 Days?

I’ve had this nudging in my heart for several months and I feel like I need to act on it now.

Can I speak kind to my husband for 30 days?

It’s not that I speak unkind to him.  We have a very loving relationship, but the thing is I can be sassy.  I can be easily offended and quick to react.  I have time for everything else, but often not for him.   

This morning, my husband kindly said to me, “Honey, you’re so beautiful.”
I hadn’t combed my hair yet.  I was wearing a baggy dress that fit me during my 9-month of pregnancy, and our baby is one.  I was in a rush to get the kids off to school, but this comment made me pause.  My precious husband still takes me breath away.

“How many times have you said this to me?” I asked as he took me in his arms, although I probably knew the answer better than him. 

Definitely thousands, maybe tens of thousands?  How many times have I believed him?  Maybe never.

“Not enough,” he answered.  

You see what I’m up against.  This man is a good man, a great man.  If Derek and I were in a kindness game, where the points were kept on a scoreboard, he would be winning by at least 1,000 points  I just can’t keep up with him.  He’s sooo good at being kind!

My prayer is 30 days of kindness will help me change and will empower me as a woman and as a wife.  This experience will not suppress my opinion (yeah, like that would ever happen), but inspire me to speak more positively and express myself to my husband with more patience and love.  I’m also hoping I will be able to take his praise, his compliments and his love and finally believe in him, in us, with all of my heart. 

This will not be easy for me.  I’m built a certain way.  When I’ve had a difficult day, I tend to vent.  When the house is messy, I tend to blame.  When I’m tired, I get grouchy. 

What will it take for me to be more in control of my feelings, my reactions and my surroundings? 

Commitment.  Prayer.  Faith.  Love.  Encouragement. 

Do you want to try this with me?

Remember, a righteous woman will stand up for herself.  I would never want anyone in an abusive relationship to submit themselves to their husband, but if you can relate to what I’m saying – in other words if you are sassy too, do you want to try this with me?  I know my husband is not perfect, but he’s perfect for me.  I want to celebrate him with all my heart. 

Today is October 28.  This 30-day challenge will take me through Thanksgiving, which I can already feel will make for a very powerful Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my husband.  The last day of the challenge will be Sunday, November 27, then we can all go back to being sassy and headstrong (just kidding)!

I’ve started a facebook page called 30 Days of Kindness to my Husband.  I want all of those who attempt this nearly impossible, but God-worthy goal to share encouragement, suggestions, personal growth, challenges, photos and so forth.  My man deserves this and so do I.  I want to be my best self and for me, it starts in my marriage relationship and it starts now.  

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