Friday, May 16, 2014

Saying Goodbye

A poem and most precious gratitude to the mother of my husband, whom I love and call Mom.  Those who know and love her, please remember her in your prayers as she is suffering with Alzheimer's. 

You walk alone down an abandoned path, I want to hold your hand.
But you have to do this on your own, this is not what anyone planned.

With so much yet to live for why is God taking you now?
Unspoken expressions of love are said in silence some how?

I wonder how someone who is weak still can be so strong.
Can I bring you back somehow if I hum your favorite song?

So much is lost, so much seems gone and yet you’re traveling still
To a place where memories come and go - why must the journey be uphill?

I realize nothing stays the same, but if only your laughter and smile.
Your life so full of joy – I hope you remember once in a while.

Your eyes stare at me like before, I wait for your reply.
But you say nothing so together we stare at the clouds in the sky.

I take your hand gently in mine and never want to let go.
What can I say, what can I do to force this disease to slow.

You presence has blessed this world, your children shine with love.
I see you in each one of them, a blessing from above.

What can I say when the moment is up, when I know your time is through?
With tear-stained eyes I wrap you in my arms and whisper, “Mom, thank you.”

We love you, Mom.

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