Friday, March 28, 2014

I finally gave my daughter her antique hutch

When Derek brought home a gorgeous 1940’s walnut set of furniture, I very quickly decided I would sell the buffet but keep the matching hutch for Eden.

The buffet (which I painted a creamy heirloom white and re-stained the top provincial) sold within a day down at Antique Plaza.  I mean, look at this thing.  I could have painted it the color of Kermit the Frog and it still would have sold in a day.  I just fall in love with these pieces! 

However, the beautiful twin hutch (you can see the leg of it sticking out!) sat for a while.  When you’re a furniture painter, the things you want to paint for your own home sit and sit and sit.  I'm like the mechanic who's own broken down car sits in the garage until he finally has time to work on it!  That’s exactly what happened to Eden’s hutch until one day, it was her turn.

I painted it a creamy heirloom white,

added some glass knobs

gave it a bit of distressing 

and stain. 
While working on it, I actually found the original key lost inside the back cabinet.

The counselor and I moved it into her room and I added a few things I’ve been collecting.  
Here are the seashells she loves to hold up to her ear.  She loves to hear the ocean, although yesterday she told me she heard Hello Kitty being eaten by a shark!

She's expressive,


and all-girl.

It's no wonder everything angel or princess or beautiful lady reminds me of her. 

Vintage beads too.

I've been collecting vintage portraits of women and feel they symbolize the strength and beauty I see in my daughter.

So many things in her room are a reflection of how I feel about her.

This girl, who started out so tiny – 

who sets my heart a flutter even when she sleeps

she is my sunshine!

Linking up to:

1 comment:

  1. You did a beautiful job on this piece. Love the lines of it. Perfect color.Your daughter is growing up fast!
