Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pre-Mother's Day Thoughts and The Gift's of Giving Life

Giving birth to my first child Chandler was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  I remember when the doctor held up my baby and said "This is your son;" it just didn't seem possible.  How could such a perfect creation be granted to the counselor and I?  

I am still so touched by this photo of the counselor honoring and loving me after giving birth to our 10 pound baby boy.
I had became a mother and I couldn't take my eyes off our gift from heaven.  
I remember late night feedings turned into moments of spiritual contemplation of how to keep him safe in a crazy world, help him grow strong and teach him he is a child of God.  
Five kids later, my children still continue to amaze me.  I love watching them play, learn, reach out, grow, etc.  I think they are the most beautiful creations in the world.

I think each generation of mother’s is faced with their own unique challenges.  Although times change through the era's, we are still faced with issues that threaten our children.  Our goal as mother’s is to provide them with opportunities that help them grow into loving, hard-working, confident people.

Some days I just bask in the glory of what is my little world.
I mean seriously, 13 years ago none of these little people even existed. 
And now . . . they are my life.
I’m surrounded by my children's
Chandler at his Jr. Honor Society assembly.  
(Love my $4.00 BCBG black shoes and my $2.00 Anthropologie wrap-around skirt, both from Goodwill.)
sense of humor
Happy 11th Birthday, Payson
Payson seriously runs like the wind
Happy Birthday, Eden
outpouring of love
intense enthusiasm
and good old fashion family competition.

Mother’s day has always been so special to me.  As a child, I remember making crafty cards and homemade treats for my own mom.  Eventually, I started cleaning the house for her special day or taking her out to lunch.   My mom also honor's me on Mother's Day because hey, any day we have another excuse to shower each other with love and gifts, we'll do it. This year she gave me a book called The Gift of Giving Life; rediscovering the divine nature of pregnancy and birth compiled by our good friend Lani Axman and other incredible women.
Gift of Giving Life Book Button
Lani's work can also be found on her website at  I recommend this book to any woman as it will not only touch your heart about the divine gift of having children, but the special things we can learn from having them in our lives.


  1. That was beautiful! You always have a way with words.

  2. It was so great to meet you tonight! Let's meet up again soon. I hope you love the book!

  3. p.s. I adore that top photo of you and your husband!
