Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Home Videos

For New Year’s Eve my family came over and enjoyed homemade pizza, Caesar salad and for dessert, chocolate Texas sheet cake.  I couldn't think of a more delicious way to honor my brother Rodney who was visiting from Texas with his two older children.  After dinner, we watched home videos from when my siblings and I were young.  
It was beautiful to watch my then young parents on the screen; how they played and worked with us little ones.  My dad was so active with us; sliding down zip-lines, jumping into the pool off the roof, hiking, riding bikes, etc.  My mom was 24 when I was born.  What a beauty she was and still is!  I am a much older mother, not having my first child until I was 27, but still, I can’t believe I’m in the phase of life she was in all those years ago.

We all reminisced, remembering the good days, talking about old neighbors, the dogs and cats we loved as pets, the time we did this and that and I felt so blessed to have the relationships with my family that I so cherish. 

The next day, the counselor and I invited his side of the family over for dinner.  I made my in-laws spinach lasagna, salad and homemade brownies a la mode.  My sister-in-law Amber brought over her new little daughter.  I love his family like me own and cherish my time with them.  Well, imagine my surprise when after dinner the counselor put on that old home video from when I was a child, proud as punch to share it with his family.  He had heard all the stories the night before and re-shared each one in detail.  You know how boring it is watching other people’s home videos, but the counselor couldn't be more entertained.  His parents and sister were good sports too. 

“There’s Laura swimming when she was two years-old,” he would say or “This is Laura’s 7th birthday party.  Watch this part, its funny.”  I couldn't believe how into it he was.

And that’s another reason why I love my man.  He continues to surprise me with love and affection and interest in all the little details about what makes me who I am.  

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