Friday, October 19, 2012

Keeping It Simple with a Beautiful Antique

I recently found this beautiful antique dresser out while thrifting.  
The wood was gorgeous, but horribly scratched on the top and sides.  With it’s classic lines and detail, I decided to play it safe and paint it black with no distressing.  
It seems whatever errands I'm running, I always have time stop at a few thrift stores on my way home.  I'm so lucky to live in Mesa, AZ, town of dozens of thrift stores; almost one on every corner.  Here's what thrifting and a combined COSTCO errand looks like when I'm done.  I brought home the Crate and Barrel Ru (click here to read that post), a French provincial dresser and a week's worth of groceries all at the same time.   Chandler suggested we start putting groceries in the empty drawers of the dresser, but fortunately, it didn't get that desperate.
To read my latest blog post on the American Night Writers Association blog, click here.  
My book The Memory Catcher is now released.  To order your copy, click here.
What others are saying 

“The Memory Catcher is a revealing true story of how one diligent woman gathered accounts of spiritual visitations of unborn spirits and then became a champion of their cause in a society that rejects them.”    
– John Pratt, Ph.D 

“The Memory Catcher is a precious, uplifting love story as well as a study of prebirth angels. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book is intimate, humble, picturesque, so that all things are visible through Sarah and Laura’s words – they write like an angel appears – always bridging two worlds.”    
– Carolyn Webb, Ph.D.

“Coming from the Light is a ground-breaking book concerning an extraordinary subject.” 
– Richard Paul Evans, New York Times Best-selling Author

“Sarah Hinze leads us into the next great area of research -- the study of where we come from.”
– Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“After reading Sarah’s book ‘The Castaways’ I knew she was on an errand of the Lord.  Reading ‘The Memory Catcher’ I learned how her mission was revealed to her and gained insight on how seemingly small things can bring about God’s miracles. Only through her autobiography might you piece together the puzzle of seeing God’s hand guiding her life.  Her humble devotion to the unborn children is beautiful.”
                                                              – Darla Stephens 

“I have shared your book with a few people that have had miscarriages and have been going through extreme grief.  It has lifted and comforted each of them in knowing that they will have their little ones again.   One friend I had shared with told me that her daughter had been suffering for over a year and gone to several grief sessions with counselors and this book brought her more peace than any of the other sessions. I can’t thank you enough for the blessing you have been in my life and those of my family and friends with whom I have shared your books.”
                                                                                                                     – Linda Payne

“I wanted to send you personal note as to how much I enjoyed your autobiography, The Memory Catcher.  It was very well written and really came from the heart.  I loved it!  There were so many gems in there for my own personal life as to how you followed your promptings.”
                                                                                                           –Kathy Spendlove

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  1. I recognize the back of that packed car after it's final COSTCO run. "An' I helped!" :) Great idea to use the drawers Chandler!! BTW Beautiful job on the dresser!!!

  2. That Chandler is so smart and creative. Gotta love that. What a helper!
