Friday, September 7, 2012

The Cookie Plate

A few years ago, I found this plate at the thrift store and for $1.99, it was mine.
I brought it home and it sat in my cupboard for a few days.  Then, I had an idea of what to do with that plate.  I made a batch of cookies, put them on the plate of cookies and drove them over to my friend Amberlee’s house.
Amberlee is an amazing mother, a happy mother; the kind of mother who makes me want to be a better mother.  When we are together, I learn plenty about mothering.  I watch as she speaks patiently to her children, as she feeds them healthy food and as she directs them to stimulating activity.  Amberlee loves being a mother.
Well, a few days after I delivered the plate of cookies to Amberlee, she was at my house with the plate full of homemade cookies she had made at her house. 
“I want you to keep the plate,” I told her.
It was like a light bulb went off.
“Why don’t we call it the revolving plate?” she said.  “When I have it, I’ll make cookies for you and when you have it, you make cookies for me.”
This has been going on for years.  Dozens of batches of cookies later, I have the plate.
I am a chocolate cookie lover and normally, that’s what I make, but I’ve learned Amberlee goes for the healthier cookie.  I found this recipe for applesauce cookies that makes me smile.
I’ve been alternating different fruits into the batter, so this time I tried it with two plums, an apple and a zucchini.
I chop everything up and put it in the blender.  
Then, I add it to the mixture of sugar and butter.
They turn out delicious and I’m off to deliver another plate of cookies.


  1. Would you mind sharing the recipe? We need healthier treats at our house. Baking sweets is my favorite hobby. But it is not so great for our waistlines.
