Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trash To Cash & A Linky Party

Now that my oldest daughter's wedding is over, you'd think I could take a little break from turning trash to cash- No Way! Not only do I enjoy the satisfaction of earning money, but I've got a daughter going to Germany next month (plane ticket= $1400) a daughter going to Hawaii in December (Trip Total $1500) and I'd like to do some home improvement projects around here! I guess you could say selling trash is addicting! I'm thankful for the many venues for selling trash. Let's take a look at my Ebay top sellers this week...
Michael Stars 100% American One Size Black Dress sold for $12.50
Women's New With Tags Downeast Size XL White Anchors Away Dress sold for $14.99
Women's Ann Taylor Loft Size 4 Brown Wrap Dress sold for $18.08
Chico's Travelers Size 1 (M) Short Brown Pants sold for 18.50
and my top seller was this women's Chico's Travelers Size 3 (XL) Black Dress. It sold for $18.55. It seems lately, I consistently make about $300 a week on ebay- Which means it's gonna take lots of weeks to meet some of the expenses of having 6 daughters. Thankfully my estate sale business continues to grow and gives me another opportunity to sell trash. If you're in the area, I'd love to see you at my next sale this weekend. You can visit here for the address and to see pictures. Don't forget to link up your trash to cash stories, projects, recipes, etc. etc. We love to visit your blogs and see what you're up to. Love, Kelly


  1. I am glad you are successful!
    Talking about you guys on my blog!

  2. I just started selling resale shop clothes on Ebay and I'm wondering what do you do with the clothes that don't sell on ebay after being online for several weeks?

  3. I agree ... selling trash is addicting!! Also like the linky party as I enjoy seeing what others are doing. I have a question similar to kdelrosario. In a previous post, you commented that you take some of your unsold clothes to a consignment shop. Would you please tell us more? Where do you find such a shop and how does it work for you? Love your blog!
