Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trash To Cash And A Linky Party

This was a fantastic trash to cash weekend! Not only did I have an estate sale for a super great client, but I was able to sell a few pieces of my own. I sold 450.00 in merchandise and earned almost $1,000 for my commission. It was also an incredible week on ebay. Here's my top sellers.

Women's Hot Cotton Size 1X Tan Linen Tank Top 17.29
Women's Talbots Size 14P Burgundy Irish Linen Dress 16.03
Women's Lane Bryant Size 22/24 Paisley Silky Dress 18.31
Women's Chico's Platinum Size 3 (XL) Denim Vest Jacket 20.50. And here's a new item I tried- Shoes!
These Women's NIB Born Size 10 Brown Leather Sandals sold for $32.00. I picked these up at a yard sale almost a year ago, but was too chicken to list them.(wasn't sure how to ship) I finally took the plunge and in my ad said, "Will not be shipped in box to save on shipping amount." All I had to do was wrap them in the tissue and place them in a flat rate priority envelope. This won't work for all shoes, but I think I'll keep my eyes open at yard sales for more new name brand shoes. And my top seller of the week was...
Women's Eileen Fisher Size 1X Purple Silk Dress sold for $46.99. Most of my top sellers this week were from yard sales- not thrift stores and I paid $1 each. My ebay profit for the week was approx. $350.00! So let's here your trash to cash stories. Please link up any projects, recipes, trash to cash stories etc. Can't wait to see what you're up to . Love, Kelly


  1. I love the first and last pieces!! Sadly I could never get a hold of your ebay account... *sob*

  2. wow You did great. Maybe I should start listing clothes. My sales have been sloooooooow all week. I only sold 4 things and one person hasn't paid yet :-(

  3. Not sure if I can link since I haven't really done a post on what I've been up to. However, I just sold a skirt on ebay for $15.99 that I got for a dollar at a yard sale. I also sold some vintage pinking shears for $15 and a vintage pencil sharpener for $5.00 on Etsy and they all came out of a random box of sewing stuff that I got for a dollar. I picked up some great stuff this weekend as well but haven't sold anything yet. Just listed a few things on Etsy tonight so we'll see how it goes. I did do a post on my finds from the weekend but I don't know if you want those kinds of links since I haven't made any cash yet. Anyway, it's all fun! Congrats on your sales!

  4. so- i have kind of a gross thing to ask about - bed bugs. I am not at all squeamish and every bit of my furniture was bought used but. . . My sis in law (who goes new 100% and grosses out easily) is having a serious bed bug issue at her appt complex. (she works in the office so knows wayyy too much about the buggies).

    I know a couple of bloggers have had run ins with the bugs.

    Anyway we are coming into a bit of cash and i wanna buy a sofa from CL but i have to say I am a little wary all of a sudden.

    I guess at yardsales I feel more comfortable inspecting it more? I don't know. I was just interested in your thoughts on it. I am at this point leaning towards getting 2 old chairs recovered instead of buying a sofa.

  5. I used to order priority shoe boxes from the post office but I don't know if they offer them anymore. That would be a great option for you. I bought 22 BIG teacher books for .25 each and sold the lot for $178 minus the $10 in shipping since I offered Free Shipping media mail. That was my biggest seller this week :)

  6. Jane of All Trades, Thanks so much for sharing- I'm drooling over the idea of a vintage pencil sharpener!

    Deanna: Bed bugs are a valid concern. When purchasing used furniture you can buy painters plastic and make a huge plastic bag using tape and cover the sofa thoroughly. Throw in a few Nuvan Strips and let the sofa sit for a couple of days- this will kill any bugs. They say through inspection you can see bed bugs- use a magnifier and flashlight. Here in arizona we don't have quite the same problems as other areas- but it's always a good idea to be careful.

    Thanks for the tip and nice job on the teacher books!
