Sunday, March 27, 2011

What did I get?

What do you get when you combine a vintage surf board? 
A clawed-leg sofa table? 
And a baby in a pair of rainbow sweater pants?
You get a wild weekend of garage sales.

What do you get when you combine a vintage buffet dresser?
A Tri Ton 3-wheeled bike?
And the baby crawling in the grass in the pair of rainbow sweater pants?
You get a momma who’s happy she didn’t pay too much for the trash she picked up while out thrifting, after all the rainbow sweater pants were only $1.00.

What do you get when you combine a blooming cactus?
An “I Love Lucy” Vintage Dresser
And a baby who’s crawled around in the sweater pants so much they are certainly stained for good?
A beautiful day where the weather says “Stay out a little longer,” so I kept on shopping.

What do you get when you combine a WWII shipping trunk? 
That still have its original shipping tags?
A barnwood fold-out table?
And a baby who's certain she doesn't need a nap?
You get a momma who leaves the trash for a while and just rocks her baby to sleep.
Later that day, most of my treasures are listed on or taken down to Qcumberz.
That is except for the baby in the rainbow sweater pants.
This little cutie stays with me!


  1. Laura: This is a really cute post. Sweater pants for baby girl. I love it...and makes me wish I had a little girl--though my little boy IS lots of fun and I wouldn't trade him. At least not for long! :)

    Your treasures are great. Thanks for posting.

    How much longer is your lease at Qcumberz? I went by last weekend and bought a ruler from your booth. Can't wait to go back!

  2. I think my sister had that "I love lucy" dresser growing up! (We are in our 50s, so that gives you an idea of how old it is!

  3. My girl friend gave my first daughter a pair of those gap sweater pants a few years ago. She's outgrown them (well, in length anyway; the petite thing can still wear them in the butt!), and my second daughter is about to don them. I googled to try to find another pair for my older daughter and found this cute blog entry. xoxo.
