Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wedding Centerpiece Number 2

I'm in the process of creating 10 centerpieces for a friend's wedding. The theme is vintage and the colors are green, cream, gold and brown. If you missed centerpiece number 1 go here. Here's centerpiece number 2...I picked up the large cement pedestal bowl at a yard sale for $2.00. I painted it heirloom white and then wiped it down with Ralph Lauren Smoke glaze.
The filler is shredded antique sheet music, the books are a selection of Shakespearean plays and the "love" birds are actually candles I bought on clearance at Pottery Barn- $6.00 for a set of 3.
We'll insert a picture of the beautiful couple in this yard sale frame and I made the tag on my computer. Let me know what you think. I've sprinkled some vintage buttons around the base to add a little color- what would you add or take away? I'll have more to come in the next two weeks- The wedding is fast approaching on April 8. Love, Kelly.


  1. Kelly,
    You're very creative!

    Between centerpiece 1 & 2, #2 is my favorite. I love the birds, the antique sheet music shreds, and especially like the photo frame that will hold a photo of the couple. It seems more personalized than #1. Just my humble opinion.

    Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing the others!

  2. Wish you had made these last year before my dds wedding- I did a vignette of old stuff for the guest table and these centerpieces would have been perfect with it- filing the idea for dd #2--

  3. Not that I don't love your posts, Kelly, but where is Laura? Is something wrong?

  4. This is such a neat idea and you have given it such a personal touch like you always do. Can you give me an idea of where I can find the Ralph Lauren glazes? I am looking for teastain. Home Depot does not carry it anymore??

  5. Connie,
    This was Spring Break for us in Arizona so Laura went on a vacation with her family- all is well- and I missed her too!

    True, Home Depot is not carrying the glazes anymore- I've turned to a local paint store called "Color Wheel" If there's a demand for a product, they'll start to carry it. Try your local paint stores, or do a search for Ralph Lauren paint and see if there's any local businesses that sell it. Good Luck.

  6. Thank you Kelly! I may have to make a trip over to your end of town for the glaze :-) Thanks always to both you and Laura for inspiring all of us who read your blog. You guys ROCK!

  7. Beautiful, but I think the bowl needs more of the color. Maybe the buttons in the bowl instead of around the bowl?

    What would be fantastic is finding (or painting) the birds the green.

  8. I have to agree with lisa H. More color might be nice. I wondered about painting the inside of the "bowl" the same green you've used in centerpiece #3 and 4. Just a thought.
