Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Thankful . . .

I'm so thankful for . . . 
Arizona Sunsets
a dancing Mother I love 
and a singing Father I adore
For beautiful little Sisters 
I'm so thankful for . . . 
stair-step Boys
My Writer
My Singer
My Artist
My Gentle One
and a brand-new Princess
I'm so thankful for . . .
a husband
who loves this wonderful life as much as I do.

We wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving. 
If you've written a Thanksgiving post on your blog, we'd love to share it with our readers.  Link it up below:


  1. such a lovely family! hope you had a good turkey day.

    i linked up my thankful thursdays post, which is actually part of a series i did every thursday in november. i called it thankful thursdays and focused on the little positive things per week that i was thankful for, and others linked their posts in the comments.

    thanks for hosting this linky!

  2. Wonderful post!

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving day. :)
