Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Cute Little Table with A Story

Remember the table I picked up at an estate sale this weekend for $10.00? Here's a picture to refresh your memory...Even Mr. Right thought I was a little crazy for wanting this one- Its' finish was in such bad condition he knew I would need to sand it down to bare wood (not one of my favorite things to do when there's spindles) But somehow this little table had a story. While waiting in line for the estate sale to open, we learned that the owner had 8 children. Her husband had passed away with cancer and then she too was diagnosed with cancer and recently passed away. Her children want to keep the house (a beautiful victorian) so they needed to sell the contents to raise some money. Such a sad story- this is one reason I don't frequent estate sales. When entering the house you could immediately see this was a busy mom. Each room had been creatively decorated in shabby chic/country/victorian style. They even had a full soda fountain in one room. When you entered her office you could almost see where her life had been put on hold for the trials she was going through. She evidently was an active online seller and had an Etsy store. Her invoice holders and items to be shipped containers were still in place on a large bulletin board. This super mom had so many craft supplies they had to be displayed in two rooms for the sale. As I entered the garage this little table just stared up at me. If it could talk I think it would have said something like, "Please take me home and make me beautiful. My previous owner was going to fix me all up, but then she got sick and couldn't do it anymore." I felt an overwhelming need to finish this project for this kindred spirit. So Mr. Right loaded her up and I went to sanding. Here she is after a few hours of sanding- stripped clear down to the bare wood.
I loved working on this piece. I always feel a sense of accomplishment when a project gets finished, but this little piece was even more satisfying. Take a look and see what you think...
A little closer...
One of my greatest fears is that a day will come that I won't be able to finish some of the projects I've started. I just hope, when that day comes, that my pieces will speak and someone will scoop them up, take them home and make them beautiful. Love, Kelly.

Linking Up To:
Get Your Craft On Thursday @ Life As Lori
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
Strut Your Stuff @ Somewhat Simple
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies And Jellybeans
Thrifty Thursday @ Tales Of Bloggeritaville
Hooking Up W/HoH @ House Of Hepworths
I Made It @ Everything Etsy
The Colorado Lady - Vintage Thingie Thursday
Show And Tell @ Blue Cricket Designs


  1. Well, you had me bawling. What a story! I'm glad you were able to give this little piece another life. And, I love the suitcases and bike on top! What fun! Great job. I think people will remember you!

    I'm having a Target giveaway on my blog. I'd love it if you stopped by!

  2. The table turned out beautifully! You are a dear one for finishing this kindred spirit's project. It's true: So many projects, so little time!

  3. I hope when your time comes (a long long time from now) there will be a "Kelly" that picks up with the projects you weren't able to finish. Bless your heart...

  4. It is wonderful and you did such a great job of painting and distressing it. Love the suitcases and the bike. Perfect. Hugs, Marty

  5. Very cute little table and certainly worth the effort that you put into it. I know what you mean about estate sales...they are hard for me to attend, too.
    The Tattered Tassel

  6. You did her proud! Great job, and great story. That little table fell into good hands.

  7. I go to estate sales too, even though they depress me. I have too soft a heart, and makes me sad that one day someone will be doing this to my things.

  8. The table is beautiful. And the story is even more beautiful. . . thank you so much for sharing.

  9. A WONDERFUL transformation!! You saw great potential and realized it :)


  10. So pretty in white! What a sad story about the former owner. Makes me want to have a do-over with my son with whom I was grumpy this morning. We have so much to be thankful for!

  11. Looks great! I'm sure she would have been proud of your transformation.

  12. What a sad, and sweet story. Good for you for saving this little treasure and finishing it for that lady. It looks great!

  13. In this case, the paint made the table!

    Oh, and the "stuff" on it is really cute too.

  14. What a precious story, you did the owner proud I must say. Happy VTT

  15. Such a beautiful post. The table is beautiful and your display rocks.

  16. Lovely story and the table just came alive with that white paint. PS--I like the name on your ebay store... "My Dear Trash!" Too cute.

  17. Beautiful story and the table turned out great!

  18. Beautiful story and table. Love finding your bit of creative goodness from NFF at The Girl Creative. I am just getting into the refurnishing and garage sales. I love finding something and turning it into something new!


  19. Hi! I'm visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse! Love the story behind your table and I think you did such a GREAT job. I've only ever refinished one piece of furniture and I admire you for doing it again!
