Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Painting The Sea

Have you ever wanted to do something, but you thought you needed to know everything before you tried it.
I have.
Many years ago, I wanted to paint pictures of the sea.
During my life, I've had an incredible love affair with the sea, all mermaids do.
I will love this painting by John Waterhouse for eternity.

I collected photography books from the thrift store on the ocean. I stumbled on clearance books at Borders that showcased underwater photographs of marine life.
I wanted the right paper, the right brush and the right paint.
I found some beautiful watercolor paper at a garage sale. Next, I found some brushes from the dollar store and the watercolor paint was purchased at a local art store.
And one day it was finally the right time to paint, but it took some courage.
One if I messed up?
Surely I didn't have the talent.
I would never have the time to finish such a task.
But I moved past my insecurities, doubts and procrastination and painted.
Guess what happened?
I went crazy with painting.
It felt like something inside of me was set free.
Day and night, all I could do was paint.

Here are a few of my favorites.

My little paintings hang in my bedroom.
My kids love them.
"Mom, did you really paint these?" they ask.
I'm like a rock star to them.
One if I'd never tried?
It would be no big deal to not have these paintings on my wall, but giving myself permission to paint, even if I failed, opened me up to trying other daring adventures.
Like writing a novel.
Like starting a blog on trash.
Like believing in myself more and more each day.
What have you dared yourself to try?
What will you try today?
Let your desire and passion be the most motivating factor.
You are special and you are worth it.

Linking up to:

Jenny Matlock


  1. I love the one with the fish and the red coral. What a great job!

  2. I had a poster of that painting by John Waters in my college dorm. I used to be such a pre-raphealite freak

  3. I felt as though your post was speaking directly to me. Today is my 41st birthday and I have been contemplating running the st. jude half marathon. I waited too late last year to sign up and was just looking at their website before reading your blog. Yes it is a sign. I am special and I am worth it. Thanks for inspiring me!!Have a blessed day!!

  4. Love all pre-Raphaelite paintings!And such an inspiring post!

    Happy Alphabe-Thursday,


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  5. Such a good message in yout post! Your painting are lovely!

  6. loved it thank you for sharing

  7. This is such a good message for young and old. Nothing ventured nothing gained as the old saying goes. Your paintings are beautiful. I don't know if I'm going to write the great novel but I am writing something. If it's just for me that's great too. I think if you feel compelled to do something just go ahead and give in and see where it takes you. Good post.

  8. Thanks so much for visiting me. You're right, we do share a love of collecting and bargain buys and I love your positivity. The artwork is inspiring. Vix xxx

  9. I'm so glad you chose to follow your dreams and not your fears. Your works is quite beautiful. I'd be proud to hang it on my walls.

  10. I am glad you stepped out there and did something you truly wanted to do. Beautiful results! I have tried many different art forms and am always surprised when they turn out well. I only wish I would step outside my home and try other things I yearn to try.

  11. I love your paintings! And I love this post. I do need to dare myself to do more. Thank you for posting this.

  12. the 4 arts or paintings are simply unbeatable!
    very beautiful!

  13. Very nicely done.

    I enjoyed the message too.

  14. What a beautiful, beautiful link to our Alphabet Soup week.

    I feel like you. So often fear stops us from attempting something...what is that saying? "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"

    I love that you attempted.

    I love that you succeeded far beyond your wildest dreams.

    I love that you linked this delicious post this week.

    Thank you.

