Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ansel Adam Photography Found at a Garage Sale?

Everything I’ve ever purchased at a garage sale has never compared to this amazing story.

A California man named Rick Norsigian purchased a box of photography negatives at a yard sale for $45.00.

Image found here.

He brought them home and for 4 years they sat under his pool table. One day he decided to take a look at what was in that box. The negatives depicted beautiful black and white nature photography. Mr. Norsigian decided to get some advice. Experts concluded the 65 glass plates in the boxes are photographic negatives created more than 80 years ago by Ansel Adams.

Image found here.

The negatives are estimated to be worth around $200 million dollars.

Wow! That’s some dear trash!

I love hearing stories like this. Mr. Norsigian, I wish I could give you a hug.


  1. Wished that was me that had found them. LOL. Although, with a price tag of $45, I probably would've laughed at how much they wanted for them and walked right on by.

  2. WOW!!! I would have passed those up also, having no idea what they were. You know what they say, "Another man's trash"... Can you imagine what the person who sold them is thinking??
    I recently bought a bracelet for $16 & it is worth $2500 - $3500... I haven't tried to sell it yet, though....soon it will go on Ebay :)

  3. I LOVE THIS! It happens to some of the best people; people that need it. And YAY for more Ansel Adams work in the world (he's my all time favorite photographer.)
    Peace & Love,

    P.S. Thanks for all your advice the other day on my comment. I'm getting my Ebay started and already sold my first item at a nice profit. YAY! Now, to keep the momentum going. Thanks so much for encouraging me onward.

  4. Oh my oh my! What a life changer! I love stories like this also! I hope he sold sold sold! I too love Ansel Adams and am excited to see what now comes down the line!!!

  5. Love your blog. I'll have to spend some time here. Thanks again for the coupon the other day at Goodwill. My daughter found 9 shirts, 2 shorts and a very cute skirt. All for $50 (and I didn't have to go to the mall where she would have gotten 3 shirts and nothing else!) Hope to run into you again. Goodwill rocks! Here's a link to that post on my blog


  6. FUN story!! Here's another great one I cam across today! http://realestate.msn.com/blogs/listedblogpost.aspx?post=1786978&_blg=1,1786978

  7. You think that's amazing. I'm the one that sold them to him! Oye! Just kiddin'. That was a really cool story for sure!

  8. Wouldn't that be wonderful!

    But the Adams family is actually disputing that they are genuine. The man is trying to have prints sold, and the family owns the rights to reprint all of his work, so it looks like the guy still has a long battle before he sees any of the $200 million if they are real.

    I also always wonder how many people that do buy treasures from garage sales ever share they new fortune with the person that sold it to them. I think I would feel guilty making $200 million dollars and not at least paying off the sellers mortgage!!
