Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Baby Is Named; EBay style

I read today that a woman is auctioning off the name of her baby on EBay (click here to read more). She’s hoping to make $20,000 to 25,000 and is giving the lucky winner the opportunity to name her baby anything they’d like. The bid is currently at $2,700.00.

Is this a bad economy or do people really have the money to buy rights to name a baby?

For her sake, I hope the winner’s really nice and mentally stable.

I’m in the process of picking a name for my baby.

The process of picking a girl’s name is like picking a bouquet of wild flowers.

Image found here

The meadow is full of beauty, but only a few flowers fit into my arrangement.

Image found here.

Eventually, only one will be selected, even though the others are all so beautiful.

Image found here.

The counselor and I have chosen to name our children after Arizona towns.

This didn’t start on purpose.

The name of our first son, Chandler, means “maker of light.” Very appropriate for a boy who has brightened our world in every way.

Payson, our second son, is a strong name, meaning “warrior” or “soldier”. Let me tell you, his strength and will power is something to appreciate and it makes his soft side that much sweeter.

So, after having Chandler and Payson, the counselor and I noticed an interesting trend – both names are Arizona towns.

With our third son, we actually opened an Arizona almanac with the intent of picking another Arizona town.

We love the music of John Mayer. When we found the town Mayer, we knew it was the name for our third baby boy. Mayer is a German name and means “major” or “leader.”

Reef was born at an interesting time. I’d just completed my book, Colors of the Sea. My young adult book is about a marine biology student running from a troubled past, but finding strength and hope through her relationship with the sea. Derek found the name Reef on a website for Arizona ghost towns and we both knew it was the right name for our fourth baby boy.

So, with this first little girl, I’m listing the names we’ve found. No, I'm not selling the rights to her name, but I do love feedback. And if you find another Arizona town name you like better, leave it in the comment box and the counselor and I will take a look.

Here are the names we like so far. Like a bouquet, they are in no particular order:










Image found here.

Picking a name is one of the best things about having a baby and I wouldn’t sell that opportunity for anything.


  1. I was actually thinking the name Eden is pretty the other day. I also really like Hope, Ruby, Taylor, and Page. Taylor is fairly popular right about now, and I have a friend who just had twin girls a while ago and named one Ruby, so Hope, Page, or Eden would get my vote. Page seems to be a good fit for you guys.

  2. Sedona, Sunflower, or Rye seem to be unique names to me. Taylor, Page, Eden, Hope, and Ruby seem to be a little too common for your family. I vote for the unique name. So what do each of those names mean? Good Luck and can't wait to meet the next member of the Lofgreen Family.

  3. Taylor and Page are way cute names, but too common for your family. I love RYE!!! It would go so well with your boys' names. The others I would not even consider...sorry.

  4. You already know I love the name Eden {per previous conversations}, but I've got to tell you RYE is my favorite when it comes to you & your family's style. :) Can't wait to meet her.

  5. I love RUBY!! How about Ruby Sedona (lastname here)

  6. I always think first - how will the name be used by playground bullies. I guess because my name had a great jingly rhyme growing up and I hated. it - Cindy Schern she's going to Burn she's a BIG FAT WIGGLY WORM scream at the top of playmates lungs. So with that said - I like Ruby or Eden with the middle names either Sunshine or Dera (dad and mom combined). Taylor, Hope, Sedona and Page are to common - I know - I used one. Rye reminds me of my favorite samdwich - Grilled cheese on rye.

  7. Even though I love Rye, I googled Arizona cities and found: Chloride, Why and Roll- Just when I thought you must have found all the good ones I saw Valentine- what a sweet name that would be. Good Luck, we will love her no matter what her name is.

  8. I really do not like the name Taylor, if she is a tomboy people will always (untill her teens) whether she is a boy or a girl..
    Sedona most publicly acknowledges your continuation of AZ towns, you could also go with Arizona.. That might be a nice tie in in case she is the last child you have..
    I am very excited for you and did wonder about Reef, so am pleased it was an AZ ghost town.
    Clare Willis

  9. I have a new name for you-Sierra. I know a "Ciara" who is full of life and adventure, sunshine and optimism when she walks into a room; It's your whole bouquet rolled up into one. That's my vote! Jodi

    PS We have a Ryeanne in the family--she was "rye-rye" growing up.

  10. I like Ruby!

  11. On our last car trip home from Utah I told Tony that you were having a girl and I was interested to hear what name you would pick. We pulled out our Arizona map to see what your choices would be. The best ones we found are on your liat. There were a few absolutely ridiculous ones that we knew you wouldn't use but we still got a laugh at the idea. I hope you don't mind my sharing this we will do anything to pass the time on that really long drive!! I'm sure what ever you choose it will be beauttiful and appropriate!

  12. I meant to become a follower sooner but kept forgetting. I don't have any baby name wisdom but this is a poem I wrote that's appropriate.

    Baby Sister
    By Ken Slesarik

    Aww diaper, bib, and baby bottle,
    a newborn girl to hold and coddle.
    Trouble comes when they start to toddle;
    at first a little, then a lot’ll.

  13. Ok - since you asked... I think Taylor, Ruby and Page are too popular right now, so that would cross them off my list. Sunflower, Hope, and Eden, are kinda asking for a bully intervention. So Sedona is my favorite... just feminine enough, and kinda sounds like a sweet girl. For no good reason I dislike Rye and Winona.

  14. Page, Rye and Taylor are my favorites.
    CONGRATULATIONS! We can't wait to see her, and to see you all again.
    Melissa, Joyce and Claire

  15. Congrats!! Your names are beautiful! I love Somerton, Marana...I love unusual names. I have a little girl named Lachlan (pronounced Lake-Lan) It is actually scottish and a boys name.

    Congrats again,

  16. I enjoyed talking with you today. I love Rye and Eden, but I to like Marana. You are so clever with your names, I will love whatever you choose.

  17. Hi Laura,
    What fun! I found Sierra and noticed someone above mentioned that as well. I love that name.
    Also found Surprise (surprise it's finally a girl)!! You know I'm kidding about that one.
    And kidding about this one as well but had to share it: Carefree!! I love Eden and Sedona and found Kearny which I kind of like. So, #1Sierra, #2Kearny #3Eden #4Sedona. Page and Taylor I love but feel they're such popular names now but as we all's all up to you an your family!!
    Your neighbor, Bonnie

  18. I noticed a few friends liked Rye. I don't mean any disrespect to them but Rye just doesn't work for me.

    Why we like or don't like names often depends upon memories we have about names. If you loved a beautiful person named Jewel - you're more prone to like the name, etc.

    A song I remember from childhood (I grew up in a resort community with a lot of lumberjacks that would frequent my parent's resort) and would drunkenly (ughh) sing this song:

    Rye whiskey
    Rye whiskey
    Rye whiskey I cry...
    If I don't have Rye whiskey
    I surely will die!!

    Somehow I just can't envision a sweet little girl with the same name as a whiskey. Just
    my 2 cents. :-)

  19. Knowing you and your family, I personally think Sunflower is cute. But I'm with Kelly--Valentine! LOVE it! And Marana has possibilities too!

  20. I love how yall picked your kids names. My daughter is pregnant with her first and keeps throwing names at telling what that child will be named!
    I'm a new follower! I love the necklace in the giveaway.

  21. Aurora says,
    I like,Page or Eden the best and I still like Garland for the middle name.And John says he likes Taylor.

  22. I understand about naming children after towns or states or places without understanding why. I'm the same way about Georgia and Gaelic place names. and wouldn't you know it my second husband is name George so it fit into my plan perfectly. Unfortunately he wouldn't agree to naming our daughter Georgia no matter how much I tried. But I do have a Tara, a Madison and a Kyle.

    But enough about me. I think you should name her Sedona Hope. First because I adore both names but especially because I think they go together so well.

    But whatever you name her I think you should use Hope as one of her names because I think in all honesty you've been hoping for a girl for a long time and now your hope has been realized.

    Congrats and best of luck.

  23. You are much braver then I was in getting feed back from others about a name. They are all very beautiful names and I'm sure she will fit what ever name you chose. I'm very excited for you.

  24. LOL I lived in Payson (went to school there) and almost in Rye!!!

    I love the name Eden. I like how it is unique but not strange. All the names are great and maybe she will pick her name. :-)
