Friday, November 13, 2009

Who Doesn't Like a Good Deal... for real?

Thank you, my sweet Mrs. Hinze (aka: Heather, my sister-in-law who married my darling brother Tadd) for sharing with us your coveted trash. My, you do good.

The thing I love about Heather's trash is she knows just how to either fix or style it in just that right way. She understands and identifies paint colors, shouting out "peabody yellow" or "cranberry festival" like days of the week. When she's in my home, she lavishes me with ideas about my own recently discovered trash. So here's to you, Mrs. Hinze, another secret weapon to beautifying the trash we find.

Show me someone who does not find satisfaction in finding a good deal & I'll show you a fool. Seriously! Who does not like to score at a garage sale or at the Goodwill? Who enjoys over paying for home decor & other various merchandises? I'd love to meet this person.

I, on the other hand, relish dollar day at the Goodwill & the occasional garage sale jewel find. While thinking about this post, I started looking around my house & noticed many favorite jewels of my own. Here they are:

A vintage armoire that I found at the Goodwill on dollar day. Yes dollar day. If many of you are not aware... Goodwill has dollar day on Thursdays. This means whatever color tag & week (example: purple tag & week 25) that are designated for that day, will be $1. So... I scored this armoire for one freaking dollar. {Yes, gasp.} Tadd painted it, I antiqued it & now its home is in my Mom's guestroom.

This beaut is a dresser Tadd found at a garage sale for $15. Firstly he painted it black & it lived in our townhouse master bedroom & I loved it. However, as of late I've fallen in love with this blue/gray color (called Moon Rock from Glidden). It now lives in my entryway & holds my linens, dessert dishes, sewing machine, mail & canning jars!

I found my "new" dresser at the Goodwill. I wanted a bigger one & this one fit the bill. Being the thrifty person that I am, I could not bring myself to purchase the massive piece of furniture for the whopping $75 price tag. So, while Tadd & I were in Sedona for our anniversary, my dear father went to the Goodwill when it opened & purchased it for me for 1/2 price on Saturday. It was definitely worth the $32.50. Don't you agree? New paint (that I already had) & new hardware completes the transformation & makes my heart do a little happy dance. :)

This chair was FREE. Yup. They were at my in laws house & I have been coveting them for years. My mother-in-law realized my obsession & finally let me have them. {Thank you Sarah!} I only reupholstered them with a handy staple gun. And oh yes... there are two! Dos score.

I can't claim this as one of my finds, but it is definitely one of my favorites. Laura actually found this vintage trunk & thought of me. She paid $15 for it & I was more than thrilled & eager to snatch it for that price. Thanks La La...

Side note... Tadd found another black trunk & it flanks the other side of our bed. They home blankets & some of our food storage.

When Sage was born I decided that my ingenious schematic plan of my children sharing a room was crap. It was not going to work. So, this meant I was out of an office. Thus, causing a problem about where our computer was going to live. I found this fabulous computer desk on Craigslist in Buckeye for $40. {What!} I knew it was going to be a hellish drive out to get it, but when I found the same desk on Wal-Mart's site for over $300, I figured it would be okay.

Lastly, this contemporary art deco velveteen chair would normally not seem to be my style, but I adore it. I found it for $9 at the Goodwill. It is a wonderful companion to my computer desk.

Although I have so many other treasures to share, I'll have to save them for another post. Happy shopping!


  1. You are AMAZING and I am so jealous of your finds. You are so talented and crafty. :o)

  2. I wish you guys lived near me as I give a lot of good hings to the Goodwill that I would prefer giving to you two!

  3. I am in awe! I wish that I had the eye for trash. I might have to take a course from you.
